Jesse Valentine 1790 Virginia
4 posts - 1 author - Last post: 31 Jul 2007The William Nichols list of 1812 includes Jesse Gibson 30 acres, and John Denhan , 30 acres. NC,with 2 Black Titles( probably Vardy and Valentine "Vol" The 1790 Virginia census was burned during the War of 1812.
Some Accumulated Gibson/Collin's Info
11 Sep 2010 Cox, Valentine , Amherst, 1790PersonalB , 03. Cox, Vincent
Before 1790 Valentine
1793, Russell Co., Va . The Governor of Va directed the Commander of Washington Co, Va , Grainger, Roane and Bradley County's between 1790 and 1851. George VAN BEBBER, Jesse YOAKUM, Valentine YOAKUM, and Isaac OWENS are appointed
Jesse Valentine 1790 Virginia
13 Dec 2010 7 Dec 2010 jesse valentine 1790 virginia . 2 – Valentine Gearheart – b- 1790 , Virginia . Colleys in Virginia and the Carolinas before 1800
Jesse Valentine 1790 Virginia 29 Apr 2009 There were five Boat(w)right households (two in North Carolina and three in South Carolina ) enumerated in the
Jesse Smuthers/Smiddy and Jean Richards. | Facebook
Major George Parker of Accomack County, Virginia , lived at "Poplar Grove" and his will was To children Molly, Nelly, Tabby Dennis, Parker, Jesse , Valentine and John 1790 -99, 173. Transcription done by Rebecca Holland Hobson g g
1780 - 1790 per 1830 Census. Old Rowan County. Jacob died on 26 Aug 1833 .... at The Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center in Williamsburg, VA . ...... Children of Jesse Valentine 10 Sink and Susan Albertine Clodfelter were as follows:
Descendants of Adam Glattfelder
s – Mary Polly Vance – b-abt 1790 , Virginia .... 2 – Valentine Gearheart – b- 1790 , Virginia .... Jesse Hargis was killed in a log mill accident.
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7 Dec 2010 Toon, Jesse Valentine b: 20 APR 1865 in Washington County, Toone, George b: BET 1787 AND 1790 in Mecklenburg County, Virginia d: AFT gearheart
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Jesse Valentine 1790 Virginia
11 Sep 2010 Payne, Jonas (son of Jesse ), Bedford, 1789PersonalA, 08 Payton, Valentine , Fauquier, 1790PersonalA , 17
Jesse Valentine 1790 Virginia
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