Beware of Valentine's email scams - Breaking news tutorials
13 Feb 2008 The risk of getting a virus -laced Valentine's Day e-card is on the You are much more likely to get a virus laden email from someone you
The Love Bug: Valentine's Day Virus Strikes
13 Feb 2008 Be wary when opening e- mail greeting cards this Valentine's Day if you This particular e- mail baddy is known as the Storm Worm virus ,
Is Waledac Worm Hiding in the Received Valentine Email ?
11 Feb 2009 Valentine Devkit Another virus has reared its cute Email : (required but not displayed). Location: (optional). URL: (optional). Comment: Valentine's Day Worm
14 Feb 2009 The virus has gone by many aliases over the years. Typically, in the few weeks leading up to Valentine's Day, “love” messages flood e- mail
FBI Issues Valentine's Day Email Warning
13 Feb 2008 FBI Warning: Valentine 'e-Cards' Could Spread Computer Virus . Comments; Print; Email Article; Larger; Smaller. FBI
FBI Warning: Valentine 'e-Cards' Could Spread Computer Virus
14 Feb 2007 Valentine greeting worm spreading fast across the net.
Top 5 Ecard Safety Tips For A Virus -free Valentine's Day
Valentine virus strikes at Email inboxes. Posted on 14.02.2007. Bookmark and Share · Sophos is warning of a widespread worm posing as a Valentine greeting
Valentine Devkit Virus | Gear Live
5 posts - 2 authors - Last post: 13 Feb 2009Just received an email inviting me to d/l my valentines card Its an Anti- Virus group. I expect people to have a modicum of intelligence.
Valentine virus strikes at Email inboxes
This is a warning for all internet users - there is a dangerous virus
Warning of Valentine Virus -Truth!
4 Feb 2008 Email warning of a virus with a Valentine theme. It is warning of a real virus , however, that especially circulated widely around
FBI Warns of Valentine's Day E- Mail Virus - Science News | Science
29 Sep 2010 The Hallmark card virus refers to a computer virus that spreads These email messages state "Hello! You have received a Hallmark E-Card. Valentine Card Brainstorming Tips · How to Draw Valentine's Day Cards
Happy Valentines Day...."You've just opened an ecard virus !" by
The Love Bug: Valentine's Day Virus Strikes. By Sharon Gaudin, CRN Sophos reports that the W32/Dref-AB worm started spreading via e- mail on Tuesday
Valentine's Day e-card virus - National internet security
12 Feb 2008 FBI Issues Valentine's Day Email Warning - Breaking news from The from a secret admirer, but instead might contain the Storm Worm virus .
FBI Warns Valentine's Day E-cards Could Contain Virus
10 Feb 2009 Valentines Day. - As always, be cautious of links within emails and never Batting away Viruses - Anti- Virus signatures explained
Antivirus Labs. List of computer new viruses
29 Jan 2010 How to Prevent Computer Viruses Masquerading as Valentine Ecards in the recipient's email , so there's no virus risk from clicking on an
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