Make a Candy Bar Story Card for a Special Sweetheart Valentine
Candy Bar Story Game. By Sue Chehrenegar, Party Goer Comments: 0 | Rating: 0.00. Here's a fun way to incorporate your favorite candies at your Halloween
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Your story will appear on a Web page just the way you enter it here. Trying To Make A Sexy Valentine Candy Bar Card My fiance is coming back from a .... Over the Hill - FUNNY !!! Thought I'd share the B-day chocolate candy bar card
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3 Feb 2011 the title is a little funny sounding but .... Candy Bar Valentines . (we also have a few more ideas up our sleeve... we'll be sharing next week) .... our story . born + raised (and still here) in vegas. us three sisters
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Candy Bar Story Game | Celebrations.com - Activities
A Candy Bar Card is a story that is recreated using candy and poster board.
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